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Whether you’re considering having your bathroom remodeled before putting your home up for sale, or you simply want your family and household guests to have an updated bathroom, you may be wondering what time of year to schedule the remodel. Although every season has its advantages and disadvantages, the early spring is actually the best time to have your bathroom remodeled. Following are the advantages and disadvantages of each season when it comes to bathroom renovation. 

Remodeling a Bathroom in Spring

Spring is a popular time of year for bathroom renovations. The days aren’t as short as they are in the winter, and milder weather means less heat loss as doors are opened and closed during the course of the remodel. Because it’s not quite as busy as the summer season, it’s usually easier to book your contractor during spring. Another advantage to having the remodel done before summer is that you can relax and make your summer plans without having to work a remodel into your schedule. 

Remodeling a Bathroom in Summer

Most homeowners choose to remodel a bathroom during summer. The days are long and warm, and there are plenty of options for homeowners who’d prefer not to stick around while the work is being completed. For instance, spending the day at a nearby lake, taking a long day-hike, or even enjoying an overnight camping trip are all things that you can do while your bathroom is being remodeled. However, it should be noted that because summer is such a busy time for contractors, homeowners should book their services as far in advance as possible. 

Remodeling a Bathroom in Fall

Many homeowners choose fall for their bathroom renovations, but the demand for contractors isn’t nearly as high as during the summer, so it may be easier to schedule the work for a time that’s best for you and your family. The kids are back in school and won’t be underfoot, and in most parts of the country, the weather is still mild and pleasant. By having the work performed in the fall, the bathroom will be ready for the holiday season. 

Remodeling a Bathroom in Winter

There are several advantages to remodeling your bathroom in the wintertime. If you’re planning on putting your home on the market in the spring, remodeling a bathroom in winter will ensure that it’s ready for showings when the time comes to list it. Contractors are also less busy during winter, so you may be able to pick and choose your time and dates.

Because we specialize in one-day bath to shower conversions, you can be assured that your bathroom remodel will entail very little inconvenience for you and your family no matter what the time of year. Call us today to schedule your free in-home consultation with one of our design experts.

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